Henry Kee & Son Auctioneers

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For Sale

For Sale

Dunkineely, Dunkineely, Co. Donegal

Available From: Immediately 5.25 Acres For Sale by Private Treaty in three lots.

LOT 1: 0.85 acres in the townland of Ballymagowan, located just off the Main Street and accessed via a laneway. This is a rectangular shaped field contained within the town boundary with development potential.

LOT 2: 1 acre comprising 2 small paddocks, Access by a shared land. Located in the townland of Ballymagowan and close to the Main Street.

LOT 3: 3.4 acres located in the townland of Rahan Near. This plot is within 500 metres of Dunkineely Main Street and benefits from extensive road frontage onto one of the public roads leading to St. John's Point.

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Contact Henry Kee & Son Auctioneers on +35374 9131050

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