Edward Carey Property

Boyut 10, Derrycrib, Donadea, Co. Kildare

The lands have good road frontage & ideally suit the construction of a residence, subject to the necessary planning permission from Kildare County Council.

It is a great central location, just a short distance to the superb Donadea Forest Park, with the larger towns of Clane & Kilcock each about 10 mins, and Dublin's M50 at less than a half hour. This is a super holding & should not be missed.


Powderly Solicitors, Kilcock.


The property may be inspected by appointment with the agent.

Are you bidding on one of our properties, new to the market, unsure of the procedure?
Check out my website https://www.edcarey.ie/useful-information/ for a helpful guide on buying & selling with us.

GPS 53.352070 - 6.768522. Our sign is at the property.

İletişim Edward Carey Property : +353 46 954 1064

10 yılı aşkın bir süredir marketler ve müzayede evleri için yazılım ve çevrimiçi sistemler geliştirdik.

İrlanda ve İngiltere'deki en büyük marketler ve müzayede evlerinden bazıları bize güveniyor.