DNG Brian MacMahon

Boyut 5900832, 0.59 Acre Site, 0.59 Acre Site, Rinneen, Kinvara, Co. Galway

Circa 0.59 acre site for sale.

Site will be sold subject to planning permission. (Local housing need will apply)

Folio No. GY91943F.

Kinvara is recognised as one of the most sought-after locations on the West coast, which is famous for traditional Irish music and culture and hosts the famous Fleadh na gCuach and the Cruinniu na mBad festivals annually. Kinvara has excellent transport links with the M18 and the M6 easily accessed at nearby Ardrahan as is the railway station and there is daily Bus Eireann service bringing Galway, Limerick, Ennis and Loughrea all within easy reach. It is a village that has everything: great natural beauty and amenities, great facilities and services and a warm friendly population.

İletişim DNG Brian MacMahon : +353872458165

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