O Donnellan Joyce

Ло 5880067, P. J. Flaherty's, 82 Salthill Road Lower, Galway City, Co. Galway, H91R26K

P. J. Flaherty’s, 82 Salthill Road Lower, Galway City, H91 R26K


The opportunity to acquire one of Galway?s most established licenced premises, which has been in business since 1874.

P.J. Flaherty?s is an iconic property and one of Salthill?s most renowned licenced premises, in a high-profile location, with a strong reputation.

Comprised of a substantial bar/lounge combined with a large external beer garden and smoking area. Also storerooms and toilets.

Overhead there are 6 x one bed apartments, which would provide a substantial source of income. At the rear is a large garden, which contains further development potential. An exceptional property in a high-profile location.

NOTE: These particulars are not to be considered a formal offer. They are for information only and give a general idea of the property. They are not to be taken as forming any part of a resulting contract, nor to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. Whilst every care is taken in their preparation, neither O?Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers nor the vendor accept any liability as to their accuracy. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by personal inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars. No person in the employment of O?Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

Контакты O Donnellan Joyce : +35391 564 212

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