Drake Auctioneering

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Ло 1, Цена 115000.00, Cranary, Granard, Co. Longford

C 21 acres of Land together with a cubicle shed at Cranary, Granard.
The Lands are of good quality with its own natural water supply laid out in five fields fronting two roads & divided by the L1063 Dring/Ballinalee road. There are no entitlements attached to the subject Lands.

The property will be offered for sale via Public Auction & LSL Online.
Auction takes place on Friday 14th April in Creegan's Bunlahy at 3:00pm (U.P.S.)

if you wish to bid via online auction on www.lslauctions.com you will need to register with Drake Auctioneers at least 3 days before the auction and pay a bidding deposit.

For further information ie.. maps etc please contact the agent.

Контакты Drake Auctioneering : +3534436686891

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