O Donnellan Joyce

Lotto 5880600, Daybreak Filling Station, Ballyhean, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23N234


Daybreak Filling Station, Ballyhean, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 N234

Original house could be converted back to a private home but is currently a mixed use commercial retail development - Fully operational filling station along with overhead apartments and adjoining retail unit.

This property features a filling station equipped with four pumps set on a spacious forecourt, along with a modern "Daybreak" retail shop and deli, a car wash and valet service, a commercial hairdressing salon, and two one-bedroom apartments.

Additionally, there are several storage units and an enclosed yard that could enable further development of the retail area. The retail shop is in excellent condition, complemented by a contemporary day canopy on the forecourt. The hair salon has recently been renovated and currently has a new tenant in place.

The two one-bedroom apartments are in good condition and are presently vacant, as the property is being marketed, potentially benefiting a new owner with on-site residential accommodations.

This commercial development represents a solid investment opportunity, having demonstrated a strong rental income track record over the years. It is also an ideal prospect for an entrepreneur looking to expand the existing business at this location. The property is exceptionally well situated, being the first opportunity for drivers to refuel after exiting the new N5 dual carriageway while heading towards Galway on the N84.

Filling station can be offered with tenant in situ or vacant possession. Full details available on request.

SOLICITOR WITH CARRAIGE OF SALE - Ms. Samantha Geraghty, P. O’Connor & Son Solicitors, The Old House, Market Street, Swinford, Co. Mayo, F12KX71.

NOTE: These particulars are not to be considered a formal offer. They are for information only and give a general idea of the property. They are not to be taken as forming any part of a resulting contract, nor to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. Whilst every care is taken in their preparation, neither O?Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers nor the vendor accept any liability as to their accuracy. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by personal inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars. No person in the employment of O?Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

Contatto O Donnellan Joyce : +35391 564 212

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