Fincas Faro

Muitos 1433V, Country house in S'Uestra

Traditional Minorcan house adapted and licensed as a restaurant located in a rural area of the municipality of Sant Lluis.
A house with character which conserves original elements of the original construction which, combined with the adaptation of its original use as a restaurant, offers the possibility of maintaining the same use and/or transforming it into a cosy and wonderful home situated in a very quiet area which enjoys a large parking area, a pretty patio and terrace areas. The dimensions of the plot indicate that a swimming pool could be built.
We would definitely recommend this property to those who value tranquillity and wish to live in a rustic environment without being isolated from the town and/or to those who have the capacity for entrepreneurship and would like to reactivate again an elegant restaurant which can offer a unique ambience.

Contacto Fincas Faro : +34971354509

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