Collins & Collins Estate Agents

Muitos 954205, (R) 33 Nelson Park,Fivemiletown,Co. Tyrone

2 Bedroom End-Terrace with Garage

This 2 bedroom end terrace benefits from a recently updated kitchen and bathroom and is in good decorative order throughout.

Conveniently located in the heart of Fivemiletown this attractively priced home is sure to attract immediate interest and viewing comes highly recommended.

Entrance Hall:- tiled floor 

Lounge:- 11' X 13' with black multi fuel stove with stone hearth and wooden beam mantle, built in storage, wooden laminated floor

Kitchen/Dining:-  14'2" x 10'11"  fully fitted with an extensive range of eye and low level deluxe high gloss units, tiled around worktops, 1 1/2 bowl stainless steel sink unit, intergrated dishwasher, built in electric hob and oven,  extractor fan, plumbed for washing machine, intergrated fridge freezer, tiled floor, recessed lighting, access to rear.

First Floor:- Landing with built in storage.

Bedroom 1 -  11'2" x 11'7" built in storage 

Bedroom 2 - 11'9 x 8' 0" built in storage 

Bathroom:- Fully tiled walk in mains shower cubicle, bath with telephone hand shower attachment and tiled splashback, wc, wash hand basin with tiled splashback, extractor fan, cushion flooring .

Exterior:-  Paved parking area to front. Fully enclosed concrete yard to front. 

Garage:-  23'6 x 17'5" power and light 

Contacto Collins & Collins Estate Agents : +442830266602

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