CCM Property

Muitos 5489242, (d1) Ballyguroe South, Shanballymore, Co. Cork

Available From: Immediately C23.4 Acres excellent quality limestone land
Folio CK13645
Suitable for tillage or grass.
Currently in pasture.
Community water scheme.
Land is well fenced and a limestone farm roadway connects to the public road and to a two column haybarn set in a field back from the public road.
Roadside location between Kildorrery and Mallow.
The property had residential planning permission which is now lapsed.


Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.

Contacto CCM Property : +35325 41129

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