Collins & Collins Estate Agents

ഭൂരിഭാഗം 960263, (R) 25 Underwood Park,Enniskillen,Co. Fermanagh


This 3 bedroom detached chalet bungalow occupies a choice site within a small, well established residential development. Boasting spacious, well laid out accommodation interest is sure to be immediate and early viewing comes highly recommended.

Accommodation Details:

Entrance Hall: Tiled floor, cloaks cupboard, airing cupboard, understairs storage.

Bathroom: Whirlpool style bath with telephone hand shower attachment, whb with vanity, fully tiled walls, tiled floor.

Kitchen/Dining: 13'2" x 11'5" Fitted with a range of eye and low level solid oak units, concealed underlighting, tiled around worktops, integrated fridge and dishwasher, stainless steel sink unit, built in electric hob and cooker hood, double eye level electric oven, tiled floor and skirting.

Utility Room: 10 x 9'11" Low level units, plumbed for washing machine, space for tumble dryer and fridge, cushion flooring.

Bedroom 3: 9'9" x 8'11"

Lounge: 21'2" x 11'6" Electric stove with granite hearth, wood laminate floor, coved ceiling, ceiling centrepiece.

Landing: Built in storage.

Bedroom 2: 11'8" x 11'4"

Bedroom 1: 13'1" x 11'8"

Shower Room: Fully tiled walk in electric shower cubicle, wc, whb with vanity unit, tiled walls, cushion flooring.

Exterior: The property is approched via a tarmac driveway. Garden to front laid in lawn bordered by paviour brick.Full enclosed yard to rear. 

Garage: 18'4" x 17'7" (L shaped) Light and power, remote control roller door, pedestrian access.

Lean to shed: 17'9" x 7'9"

Workshop: 41'11" X 9'1" Light and power.

ബന്ധപ്പെടുക Collins & Collins Estate Agents : +442830266602

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Lreland, UK എന്നിവിടങ്ങളിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ചില മാർട്ടുകളും ലേല സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളും ഞങ്ങളെ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു.