Donohoe Town and Country LTD,

Lot 5842494, Cloghabrody, c. 1 Acre Site, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny

The site is located at Cloghabrody in Thomastown and situated just off the Thomastown/Dublin Road. The property is sited adjacent to a County Council yard and accessed off the road in a profile location which is very accessible to all services and amenities.

This plot of land extends to C. 1 acre and is zoned for Industrial use under the 2021 Kilkenny City and County Development Plan.

The land is laid out in one division and is sited just off the Dublin Road, just beyond Lidl and the Cemetery. It has great potential to develop subject to the necessary planning consent.

From Thomastown, take the Dublin Road. Take 1st right after St Mary's Cemetary.


Legal: Ms. Orlagh Wafer, Solicitor, Coughlan Kelly, Trinity Chambers, South Street, New Ross, Wexford. DX: 37004 Ph: 051429100

These particulars and photographs are for guidance purposes only and do not form part of any contract. Whilst care has been taken in their preparation we do not hold ourselves responsible for any inaccuracies. They are based on the understanding that all negotiations will be conducted through this firm.

Contact Donohoe Town and Country LTD, : +353567770400

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