James Kilcoyne

बहुत 5454786, Sroove, Monasteraden, Co. Sligo

Available From: Immediately Lands at Sroove, Monastraden, Co. Sligo comprising a total of C7.29 Acres.
The lands are in two lots which can be sold together or separately as follows:
Lot 1: C3.31 Acres of good quality lands in one lot except for road divide
Lot 2: C3.98 Acres of poor to average quality lands in one lot
The above lands offers a great opportunity to local farmers wishing to add to their existing holdings or to clients wishing to get into first time farming.

संपर्क करें James Kilcoyne : +353872365294

हमने 10 से अधिक वर्षों के लिए मार्ट और नीलामी घरों के लिए सॉफ्टवेयर और ऑनलाइन सिस्टम बनाए।

हम lreland और UK के कुछ सबसे बड़े मार्ट और नीलामी घरों पर भरोसा करते हैं।