Fincas Faro

बहुत 0606V, Townhouse in Maó

Large townhouse in the centre of Mahon with spacious garage.
The house consists of a garage on the ground floor, the first floor is divided into a sitting room, a dining room, the masterbedroom, 2 interior bedrooms, a complete bathroom and the kitchen from where there are stairs to access the garage. The second floor is divided into two bedrooms with windows to the outside, a laundry room/toilet with access to the terrace.

संपर्क करें Fincas Faro : +34971354509

हमने 10 से अधिक वर्षों के लिए मार्ट और नीलामी घरों के लिए सॉफ्टवेयर और ऑनलाइन सिस्टम बनाए।

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