Lot 5922062, Forestry & Cottage,Cloonarara, Lavagh, Co. Sligo

Located in very attractive rural area, this forestry is approx. 25 years old and of very good quality Sitka pruce. It has access to rural roads, plus a side road, thus giving good access for timber extraction.
The cottage on the property is a bare 2 roomed cottage in need of extensive renovation before habitation, but could have potential for a part time residence.
The old Sligo-Limerick rail line runs through the property. This line was last used in 1975 for trains, but has potential for re-development as a 'Greenway', which is being discussed at present.
The Ox Mountains and Knock na Shee are clearly visable from the property, and a good network of quiet local roads make this ideal of walking and cycle routes.
The property offers enormous potential in general for a wide variety of projects, and the agent recommends it for those seeking a project.

Contact REA MCCARRICK & SONS : +353719185050

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