Keane Mahony Smith

Lot 5283817, Site For Sale - Subject to PP - Derryloughaun East, Furbo, Co. Galway

Sale Type: For Sale by Private Treaty
Overall Floor Area: 0.7 ac Sites for sale subject to planning permission at Derryloughaun East, Furbo, Co. Galway. Located on a quiet rural road just 700m from the main Galway road and 1.3kms from Padraicin's Bar & Restaurant and Furbo Beach. This is a unique opportunity to develop a modern A-Rated home in a rural coastal location while still remaining within an easy 20mins commute from Galway City.

There are 2no. sites available here comprising approx. 0.7 acres each with approx. 50-70m road frontage.
The sites are being sold subject to planning permission to a qualifying local applicant with a housing need.

Contact Keane Mahony Smith : +353 91 563 744

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