Gordon Hughes Estate Agents

Lot 5847131, 8 Clements Court, Lough Rinn, Gortletteragh, Co. Leitrim, N41R123

Set in the historical and natural beauty of Lough Rynn Castle Estate, this 3 bedroom home has the ideal location for a peaceful and scenic home with endless amenities on your door step. A short stroll through the estate grounds unleashes the extensive country ground walks, lakes and gardens or enjoy an afternoon tea/ drink or meal in the luxurious hotel itself. In this beautifully maintained residential estate is our 3 bed home complete with kitchen and dining area, livingroom, downstairs restroom and on the first floor Master bedroom with ensuite , 2 bedrooms , bathroom and airing press . Within walking distance of Mohill town facilities and local bus services. Train station (Dublin/Sligo route) within 5 minute drive. Excellent Starter Home or Investment Opportunity. Viewing is a must!

Contact Gordon Hughes Estate Agents : +353719645555

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